Do THIS before coming down with the FLU – Tips to Prevent


Have YOU come down with the joys known as the flu yet?

If not, chances are…you might!  It’s rapidly speading faster than joyride happy great white sharks out cruising for their next tasty surfer dude (especially if you have kids who are happily bouncing amidst their flu-covered friends whose parents decided, well, one more day can’t hurt them!).

Thus, BEFORE you get sick (can you tell I’m starting to feel under the weather?  Hence this post!), make sure you do the following.

Step 1.)  Go to Costco and get a rotisserre chicken to make flu-curing chicken soup

Really.  Strip off all the meat and boil up what’s left – the resulting soup makes a fantastic stock that helps stuffed-up individuals feel ‘way better.  I use it all the time for all of my gourmet soups I make.  You can then chop up the meat for protein, mix in some eggs, throw in some ground rosemary, add in some tofu, actually…kinda sorta just go bananas with the ingredients.  Rosemary gives it a very genteel flavor.  🙂

Step 2.)  Proactively alert your clients/customers that you’re under the weather with a cold/flu

Set their expectations!  Chances are, they will understand if you’re too sick to finish the projects today…but they’ll be pissed off as heck if they think you just forgot them (and didn’t realize you were huddled under 28 blankets imbibing chicken soup).

Step 3.)  Give your friends the headsup too … that you have the flu!

Let your friends know that you’re currently retreating from the world and you’ll return when the cows come home.  They’ll be glad you’re not infecting them too (plus won’t worry if you all of a sudden disappear into the dark recesses known as extreme unhealth.

Step 4.)  Get Tigerbalm for your forehead if the flu gives you a headache

Tiger balm is a camphor-based sports-rub that helps headaches.  If your head starts to feel like an overinflated balloon, it can only help.

Step 5.)  Gargle with salt water/cayenne pepper to help flush away the cold/flu germs/virus

Yes, I know.  Cayenne pepper burns like a tasty mouthful of red hot fire.  Deal with it.  🙂  It really does help.

Want some resources to help prevent the flu? 

Check out:

And don’t forget about remedies:

Hope that’s helpful!  Oh, and if you’d like some great chicken soup recipes, check out:

I hope you don’t come down with the flu, but if you do…the above should help you greatly.

Be well,

Barbara Ling

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