August 2009

Never think things are obvious

Hey all, Today was quite a relaxing day – packed the kids and husband in the MooseMobile and visited me folks!  We all went for the chinese buffet and it was delicious indeed. Kids got their school assignments – we don’t know any of the teachers.  Wah!  But they certainly cannot wait for school to… Read more

Income Fitness launch going great!

Hey all, I’m rather pleased with the Income Fitness launch!!  While I’m getting lots of signups for my controversial report, I’ve been told on several occassions that the sales copy is TOO IM (ie, too long). Now, I don’t know if that’s inhibiting sales…but I DO know that Income Fitness is applicable to EVERYONE who… Read more

What an incredible day yesterday!

Hey there, So nice to see you by my blog!  What a rousing past couple of days this has been… Lessee.  Yesterday I released Income Fitness to my inner circle of affilates (yay!).  Learned a heck of a lot regarding product sales page – you can see that over at Income Fitness is LIVE! The… Read more

Finally some good news – there’s hope! MHE

Yesterday (Tuesday) was most intriguing – I went into the city to see if anything (anything!) could be done about my ankle.   Now, this doctor is the head of special surgery for my particular condition…and his first question was, where are the weight-bearing xrays?  You know…it’s weird; nobody else ever asked me that before.  And… Read more

BY Invitation ONLY – Income Fitness Launch

Morning! After thinking on it, I’ve decided to limit the people who can promote Income Fitness on the day it’s launched to my Inner Circle affiliates. It’s my way of saying Thanks! to the people who have helped me out over the years.  :) Thus, if you visit my affiliate page, you’ll see the notice… Read more

Happy BirdieDay, Smooshed up Ankles and more

Hey everyone, This Sunday was a mix of great enjoyments with the kids…and a rather unfavorable realization by a potential surgeon. In a nutshell, it seems that my ankle problem simply cannot be fixed.  This…is extremely depressing…so I gave myself permission to feel rather sorry for myself for the rest of the day. ‘course, it… Read more

Birthdays and Hacking and oh My!

Hey there, I’m thrilled to announce that Honorable Daughter 2’s attempt at making The Chocolate Ice Cream Cake That Ate The World! debuted most spiffily indeed!  Honorable Son 1’s reaction was very gratifying – he loved the entire concoction. And earlier in the day, I told the karate senseis that it was his birthday, so… Read more

The unique art of ice cream cake making

Morning! I’ll confess – I HATE spending extra money for marketing deluxes like Fudgey the Whale ice cream cakes.  So….yesterday, I picked up all the ingredients for such a magnificent creation and turned Honorable Daughter 2 loose on the project! You see, it will be Honorable Son 1’s birthday!  So my extremely creative daughter took… Read more

Maximize Twitter, Ice Cream Cakes and more

Don’t you just LOVE that title?  :) I finally got sick and tired of all the BAZILLION twitter follower grower thingees and such that hit my Twitter account every hour or so….so I decided to demystify it all once and for all! And of course, savvy marketer that I am, I opted to make this a… Read more

NEW! Income Fitness Affiliate Marketing Program Tutorial is READY!! (make money and more)

Morning all, I’m quite happy to announce that I’ve completed my Income Fitness Affiliate Tutorial!  My affiliate program goes thru Clickbank and I have now made: eBook cover graphics Sample eMail text Exact step-by-step instructions to increase your profits by: Adding links to your site Adding links to your newsletter Adding links to your signature… Read more

Remember… this site is mainly a daily marketing Perkup, Smile-Maker and Newsletter… subscribe below to always have the edge in the morning!