Tell Yourself Today – Do It Yourself!

Sometimes…we *really* want something.

But then again, sometimes…we think we just cannot make it the best it can possibly be.

I experienced that meself over the weekend!

See, these past 2 months have been character-building beyond belief to me.  From the ashes did arise my concepts of one's Inner Hero…and how you should always do the right thing because if you do not, who else will?

Now, I cannot claim ownership to that general phrase – I read it in David Gemmel's book White Wolf.

But that, along with other gems….they still resonate in me mind.

Well!  The hero of these books, Druss, carries a double-bladed axe (long story, I know).  And I thought,

"Jeepers self, it would be really nifty to have a bracelet that always reminds me of my Inner Hero!"

You ever try to find a double-bladed axe bracelet?

They don't exist!


I remembered that back in college, I used to braid bracelets from satin embroiderly floss.  "That would work!" thought I, and I bought a double-bladed axe pendant from eBay.

And then I made:

Ain't it glorious?

Sure, it's definitely NOT 5th Ave quality, but wow….

I love it.

It's a classic case of me wanting something…*now*…. and then realizing that either:

  • I wasn't going to get it


  • I had to make it myself

Much like everything in life, aye?

So today, tell yourself that you're *not* going to be limited by things you cannot control.

You're going to take ownership instead.

You'll be surprised at just how terrific you feel.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about DIY, have you seen:

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