Become an Expert with Google Gmail Via These Excellent Resources


Do you use Gmail?

Even more importantly, do your clients and customers use gMail as well?

If so, did you know there's a plethora of easy simple tricks and tips you can implement to soup up your gmail account and make it hum?

Here are some quick goodies to get you going.

Once you have these sites under your belt, visit them all, and see what tips/techniques you can apply not only for yourself but also to help out your clients and customers.  You'll be surprised at just how impressed they'll be for your proactive suggestions!

And if you're of the bent who learns better from video, check out:

Remember, email today can be viewed as a business' lifeblood….when you help your customers handle and tame their ferocious inbox, you've made a positive impression that lasts. 

Take advantage of that!


Barbara Ling

ps – speaking about email, have you seen these anti-spam goodies?

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