Heroically Banish Your Reader’s Fear of Buying By This One Simple Action

You've seen it a thousand times I'll bet.

Or at least, your website has!

There they are…the hordes curious readers who come to your site and consider the products you're offering.

And there they go!

*Without* clicking the 'buy it please please PLEASE!' button!

Cue the heartfelt opera:

(Confess – that music is beyond appropriate!! 🙂

But I digress.  Where was I?  Ah yes, checking my coffee influx state!  Hang on….yep, I'm still 2/3rds of the way full. 

Back to what I was saying!

Your visitors come, your visitors go…and yet your income remains woefully stagnant.

Not a good thing at all!

Ever wonder just *why* your buyers aren't convinced enough to pull the trigger?

The answer might lie within….common sense.

You didn't convince your reader that your products *solve* their current issues.

Think about it!  Let's say that you're selling, oh, gee, I don't know…self-confidence products online.

And to make it manifest itself within your mind, let's further define it by being 6 audio CDs, 8 videos, and a pdf report.

Got that?

Alrighty then.  There you are with this magnificent offering, one that would transform Dumbo into a massive titan who could crush Mustafa when it comes to ruling the pridelands.

Sure, you can talk about what the product *is* (6 audio CDs, 8 videos, and a pdf report).

But instead of that, talk about the *results of using* the product.

ie, something like:

"Imagine the self-confidence that will surround you once you've completed this package – no longer will you stand awkwardly by the side, silent with embarrassment about what to say next.

Instead, think about how it will feel when you stride into (XYZ situation) with the total confidence of the alpha Leader of the Pack….."

The concept is similar to those Internet marketing thingees you see plastered all over the Internet, ie, Think how glorious it will be when you write your next blog post while reclining on the white sand beaches of the private island you just bought with no money down because….

That sorta thing.

Actually, that sorta thing….with a difference.

And it's this.

You want to connect with your reader's real emotions, real fears…and provide the *real* solutions that make purchasing *your* product…a no-brainer indeed.

In other words….

Don't focus on what your product solely is….focus on how it will change your visitor's life…for the better.

This, of course, is called The Art of Copywriting!

And an art it definitely is.

There's lots of great resources from where you can learn awesome copywriting techniques, including:

and don't forget about:

Thus, you can help get rid of your buyer's fears about making the decision and actually purchasing your product by speaking to their emotions, their desires….and how the solution your product will give them will exceed their expectations.

So, go back now to your website copy, spend some time at the forums and resources above, and see how you can better reassure your website visitors that you deliver, above and beyond, their hopes and expectations.

It will only do your bottom line good.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – great copy is one thing, and a long term plan is even better!  Check out how my own personal blueprint to online business success below….you'll love what you uncover!

Income Fitness

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