Why ARE you celebrating Veteran’s Day? And what are YOU doing about it? Here’s my plan.

Veterans Day

Hello gentle reader!  Sit back, pull up a chair (well, okay, you're probably already sitting in one, so just get, hmmmm…. more comfy-like, yeah, more comfy like!) and let me invite you to our latest caffeine-deprived interview of


Today is Veteran's Day!  So today I'd like to focus on that topic….and my heartpoundingly exciting insights regarding SEO by Strawberry Shortcake will have to wait.

With that, let's begin!

This morning, I was happily doing my nice morning routine thingee of chatting with my Twitter peeps when the illustrious Maureen Sharib pointed me in the direction of:

>> Veteran's Day should be cancelled <<


Talk about a post more provocative than asking PETA what they think of Bambi Burgers!

.  'course, that's what Penelope does so I won't address that aspect of it.

What I would like to discuss, however, is you.

Are you celebrating Veteran's Day?

If so, why?

I know why I am, mind you – it takes a very special incredible sort of person who would put their life on the line for complete strangers (ie, the rest of society).

And no matter what you might think of war, that is something worth honoring.

Like Memorial Day, however, I think Veteran's Day should be much more than simply saying "thanks" in a generic way.

  • So… should you see a Veteran today, go the extra step and thank him or her personally.
  • If you see one at your local cafe, buy him or her breakfast or lunch.
  • If you have a product site, give a discount or give something away to Veterans.

In other words, do something for a veteran that makes a deeply personal impression.

Which reminds me.

If you're a veteran, drop me a line via my contact form and let me know if you'd like to learn about Facebook marketing, putting your business online marketing, or affiliate marketing…and I'll send you a complimentary copy of my product, free. 

Honestly, it's the least I can do.

And now, what about you?

Will you just do the same-ole same-ole "Yay for vets"…or will you go that extra step and let the individual people know that hey, their sacrifices have not been in vain?

I'd love to hear below!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

ps – Got questions about Veteran's Day?  Learn more at:

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