Why ARE you settling for 57th best?

=-=-= Why are you settling for 57th best? =-=-=

Here’s a question for you…if you’re a product creator in the WSO land.

Why ARE you settling for 57th best?

To be more precise….

If you’ve already cut your teeth in WSO Land…..to the point you implemented separate customers lists for FE and OTOs…

And done this more than once…..

WHY oh why are you NOT choosing to move forward?

WHAT are you doing with those $7-$10 leads?

WHY are you sticking with always offering cheap products?

WHY are you NOT giving yourself permission to grow?

I think for me, the answer was (notice the operative word there, WAS) the fact….

I got *comfortable*.

I’m clearing 5 figures with my email marketing.

I was (again!  OPERATIVE WORD!!) taking the easy way out.

Why bother creating a $47 or $97 or $197 product?  (okay stop laughing!!)

I won’t say any more until I HAVE my higherticket products under my belt, but did want to spark YOU into thinking.

Why are YOU settling for taking the easy way out?


Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

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