Btw, have you noticed how you saw this entire funnel start from an extremely inexpensive product? Learn how you can make great income from the same!

Revealed: Veteran Product/Solution Creator Made Over 1K Just By Giving Stuff Away... and How You Can Too!

Dear Cash-Strapped Marketer,

Imagine being able to generate 4 figures by simply giving something away....

Imagine adding over 900 subscribers to your list....

Imagine all those new BUYERS (and contrary to popular opinion...they DO buy -- do they EVER...)

Imagine seeing something like this on your Dashboard...

Not only will will you learn how to quickly turn freebie seekers into buyers, how to sell to your new list for even more profits... but you'll also receive the exact same templates I myself use to rapidly profit from free or near-free WSOs!

I've never provided this before to anyone, and maybe I shouldn't be selling it this cheaply because you'll now have the power to make $200 a day at something away....

But what the heck. You deserve to get the insiders tips!

I know you deliver quality Barb... let me order NOW!

I'm certain you've been frustrated by the whole "make money with free WSOs" you've seen on the Warrior Forum and elsewere....

It sounds so simple, right? I mean,

Step 1.) Put out a free WSO.

Step 2.) See money come into your Paypal account!

Especially because the rules have just changed... and you can now only put free WSOs in the Warrior Classifieds!

Not to worry though...

There IS an alternative.

What about starting off at only 97 cents?

But even then... There's a crucial step in the middle of that!

How can you make money if you're charging ONLY 97 cents?

Here, come closer and lean in. Let me reveal to you the hidden secret of Nearly Free WSOs Profiting...

There's always that hidden step of monetizing them from the get-go!

Maddening, isn't it?

Perhaps you've imagined what is required.

Or maybe you've even:

Spent days making products nobody bought which ended up in wasted time as you constantly end up at square one

Invested in various "how-to" courses which only resulted in additional costs with little or no financial return

and oh yeah, does this sound familiar?

Bought PLR that is STILL sitting alone on your hard drive, wasting space and making you nothing?

It's really no wonder that most people who try to easily create free WSOs that earn money and builds lists give up.

But the truth is...

Finally Being Able To Break 4 Figures on a Nearly Free WSO Is Much Closer Than You Think.

From the desk of Barb Ling

Barb Ling here and yes, I've been down the same road.

These days, things have gotten much better.

I'm finally able to instantly make $200/day anytime I want, I can also add 100s of new subscribers who buy to my lists, and I'm very lucky in that I can increase my authority in the IM market effortlessly.

But I've never forgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.

Having Tried it All, I Was Beaten Down and Ready to Throw in the Towel

Roadblocks were my constant reality.

What often stopped me dead in my tracks was

I didn't know how to make money from practically free WSOs (after all, they're only 97 cents!)

I was afraid I would waste a whole lot of time on perfection and never get it out

I didn't have a proven roadmap that I could duplicate again and again.

Of course, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean.

So you couldn't blame me for wanting to give up when this sounds so familiar to you:

You've tweaked your targeted audience which just resulted in wasted time as you constantly end up at square one.

You've invested in various "how-to" courses which led to additional costs with little or no financial return.

You've limited your daily spend budgets which just ended up in high ad click costs and poor audience engagement.

They say the definition of insanity is expecting the same action to produce different results. Well. being a fairly sane caffeinated person, I was out of fresh ideas. And nothing worked.

But before I pulled the plug entirely....

Something Happened that Changed Everything.

I was steps away from giving up when I analyzed what worked for me with paid products in the past.

And I tested out one idea.

And made $306!

Then I tested out another idea that flopped!

Benefit here... you won't have to make this mistake, I already made it for you!

And then I kept testing and tweaking and check this out:

Ebola Awareness ==> $306 profit
My very first one!

IPhone 6+ Buyers Guide ==> $36.99 profit
Yep... learned a LOT of what doesn't work but good news was, I was able to include a picture of my husband on the upsell page )

Black Friday Informer ==> $361.08
This started out as an actual back-end bonus for another launch. And then I figured, hey! I have it, let's make money on it

Fiverr 1 ==> $396.37
Notice how the profits are finally starting to increase? I had started buying clues then.

2015 Holiday Marketing Secrets ==> $1,093.29
Yep, I bought a clue. A VERY good clue (which I'm showing in this class!)

Make Free WSOs Insider Tips
Started at 97 cents and wow, what I discovered about that concept. Only a 15% optin but look how much it's made me so far ==> $937.20

Fiverr 2 ==> $141.84
There's a reason why the profits for *this* sales funnel are low, but my own personal affiliate profits were high! (read: I used a Free WSO in a starkly different fashion. That was my Barnes and Noble free WSO).

MORE! Since the official class starts next week, I'm testing out other ideas so you don't have to make the mistakes yourself. I do them for you!

And if you think this is a fluke...


After all, I wasn't anything special. I wasn't more deserving of this success. I simply had a stroke of luck that came my way.

Which is why I'm so glad you've stumbled your own way to this letter. I can't wait to introduce you to:

The "Nearly Free WSO Profits 3.0 Paid Web Ticket Event Bootcamp"

The *Secret* bootcamp that will help you to easily create cheap WSOs that earn money and builds lists in only 12 hours.

This 1/6/15 Exclusive Web Ticket Training Event Will Cover:

The LowDown About Free & Cheap WSOs – their REAL value that will increase your business profits (it’s NOT just about getting leads onto your list!)

Free WSOs vs. 97 cent dimesales – why some freebies make you MORE than the ones you charge for...

The Nearly Free WSO Walk Through – I’ll walk you through you *exactly* how to set up your free WSO sales funnel so you have the best chance possible to make sweet, sweet profits

The Nearly Free WSO 1-2 Punch – Social Sharing in ways you’ve never considered before

The BEST Type of Nearly Free WSO – Get this down right and you’ll have a boatload of fresh, new subscribers!

The Myth of Free and Affiliates... – I show you how to make your "free" WSO irresistible to affiliates!


I’ll show you the story behind setting up a free WSO at Barnes and Noble and turning it LIVE while at the roller skating rink:


I have literally released 14 Free WSOs (or near-free) to test out what works best!

But not only that.... you'll also walk away knowing:

The 4 super simple techniques you can use to monetize both Free and nearly Free WSOs - while other creators simply try to get people to click on their affiliate links within their products, I give you *long-term* ways to make money again and again.

2 powerful free WSO ideas that are equally as simple to create and puts money in your Paypal

The 1 hidden money-booster that virtually EVERYONE else misses... but you won't!

How to zero in customer solutions your audience will crave to learn

But that's not all....

We're also talking:

An In-Depth Blueprint to Easily Monetizing Free WSOs: This is good for you because you'll be able to begin the instant the class ends.

Value: $299.00

Never Before Released Profit Techniques: This is important because you will learn how to use Free WSOs not just to make money, but also increase your personal affiliate sales as well.

Value: $199.00

A Built in Online Mastermind Group: This is big because you can rely on your peers who've already walked the path, and are ready to provide you with assistance.

Value: $199.00

The Laser Eye Targeting Roadmap: This a good thing because you'll learn the beautifully simple guide to monetizing free WSOs every time and then building on that success.

Value: $99.00

The Free WSO Grading Checklist: This is great because you'll be able to make sure every free WSO funnel you create has the components that will make it as profitable as possible.

Value: $99.00

You will ALSO get a complimentary ticket to my 3 week Nearly Free WSO Profits 3.0 Mastermind as well!

Value: $297.00

The information I’ve learned will precisely show you exactly the *real* benefits to Nearly Free WSOs and how you can use them to grow your list and profits today.

When this goes retail, price will be $197 for members of my Perking Up Profits group and $247 elsewhere.

So the only question remaining is...

"How much, Barb?"

Again, fair question. What do I get out of this, really?

I'm a straight-to-the-point kind of person. And yes, I would like to make a bit of money.

Now, you could always continue using trial and error until you finally get it right which will cost you at least $1000.00. There's also the option to invest in one-to-one coaching from some product creation guru which will run you at least $500.00.

Or there's also the chance you could stumble upon this yourself. I have no doubt that you could, but why waste anymore time hoping for a solution?

And really, does it matter if I make a bit of money if it means you save yourself a ton of money, time and frustration for a fast tracked solution?

And don't worry.

You won't have to pay anywhere near $500.00 or $1000.00.

Yes, I'm Ready to Dive In! How Much Will This Cost Me?

Here's a quick recap of everything you'll receive when you secure your copy right now:

The Main Goodies:

The "Nearly Free WSO Profits Paid Web Ticket Event Bootcamp"

An In-Depth Blueprint to Easily Monetizing Free WSOs Value: $299.00

Never Before Released Profit Techniques- Value: $199.00

A Built in Online Mastermind Group- Value: $199.00

The Laser Eye Targeting Roadmap- Value: $99.00

The Free WSO Grading Checklist- Value: $99.00

And You're also Getting:

Nearly Free WSO Profits 3 Week Mastermind: Value: $297.00

My Own Personal Free WSO templates: Value: $197.00

The Free WSO DL Monetizer: Value: $197.00

When You Secure Your Copy of The "Nearly Free WSO Profits Paid Web Ticket Event Bootcamp" Today, You'll Get a Total Value of $1,686.00 For ONLY: $297!

Before I let you go, I wanted to send out a big thank you for reading this letter.

I'm truly excited for you to get started with The "Nearly Free WSO Profits Paid Web Ticket Event Bootcamp" and see the results.

Talk to you soon,

Barb Ling

P.S. If you let this offer pass you by, you can guarantee one thing: nothing will change. At least, not for awhile. But, grab The "Nearly Free WSO Profits Paid Web Ticket Event Bootcamp" right now, and you'll be on your way to finally easily create free WSOs that earn money and builds lists. All you have to do is click the buy button above now.

That about covers it – see you there!

No Thanks Barb, even though I see how effective what you're doing is, let's please move along.


Copyright ©2017 BarbLing. All Rights Reserved.