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Super Affiliate Handbook

I'll tell y.o.u. what I'm going to do....focus on low-competition niche sites, and should I build ebooks on it, tie it into auction niches as well! Last week, I reviewed the Super Affiliate Handbook at

by Rosalind Gardner, who stated that she made over 400K last year by concentrating upon serving niche interests and including targeted affiliate programs.

Let me tell y.o.u....she did one heck of a job outlining simply *everything* that one should consider when building niche sites (and y.o.u. can tailor it to driving targeted auction traffic to y.o.u.r online auctions as described in ) ! One of the best tips I got out of her writing was that putting up links isn't enough...y.o.u. should review/ recommend quality products/services as well. That adds the human touch and encourages consumer confidence.

So how did I use this information? Well, prior to reading her book , I built - a marketing portal that contains links to all sorts of marketing needs (as well as the individual power players in the auction industry too). I made certain to also include eBay and auction forums too at .

*After* reading her book, I realized I should niche even further. This required for me (I always tend towards overdrive) setting up multiple domains, determining what affiliate programs I could use and recommend, and then driving targeted traffic to each website.

Sounds great in theory! But putting it into practice was a different matter - I didn't want to spend hundreds of dollars for each domain that I wanted to maintain (some of my sites I currently have cost me $170/year each). Thus, I began my quest to find a multiple domain hoster that gave me what I needed a price I could afford.

I was successful in my explorations! After choosing my provider, I asked said provider detailed techie questions to which I received answers most quickly (a good sign for a web hosting business). I purchased the package that best met my needs...and then considered what niche to focus on first.

What indeed! I have so many interests about which I could auction niche-ize....what area was crying out for my attention?

And then it hit me - heck, I had just spent several days redefining my 2004 goals and made the first concrete step for my business - finding and signing up for a multiple domain hosting company. And it turns out that said company has a 2-tier affiliate program!

Now, I'm a happy customer of that service. Thus, I can enthusiastically recommend their offerings for people like myself (looking for a low-cost multiple domain hosting package). Voila! My first niche site was created:

Like Rosalind advised, I included a personal recommendation plus articles I had written myself about domain name issues (a topic about which I'm rather experienced). And I just released it...yesterday! So y.o.u.'re one of the first people to see it in action. :-)

Apply this concept to y.o.u.rself! *Focus* your auction business goals on y.o.u.r strengths... and then find niches to which y.o.u.r strengths add *value*. Create high-visibility sites and ensure y.o.u. add affiliate programs y.o.u. can recommend. Then replicate y.o.u.r success whenever possible. So far, this looks to be a very promising business model indeed.

See it at








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