🌠Could Your Brand Voice be as Exciting as Morgan Freeman?

Have you ever awakened one more to the horrible realization that your coffee pot was empty, discovered that you had actually run OUT of coffee, and then said, to heck with this all….

… and went back to bed?

If so, this post is not for you. So…. come on back when you’re recaffeinated.

I’ll wait.

(Insert theme to Jeopardy here)

Ah, welcome back.

So! Ever wish more and more people just could NOT wait for your blog or site to be updated?

Even better… .that they told their friends about you as well?

Well then!

One superb way to achieve this goal is to discover your unique blogging voice…

…, or as the following shows, your unique brand voice!


has a neato articleio about the aboveo, that offers you both a worksheet AND a video thingee about the same.

And make no mistake… beginner bloggers can do the same as you can see from:



and the like.

Developing your unique blogging voice is something that could be a great one page cheatsheet as well! You could build it like so:

Step 1.) Give yourself permission to be worthy of putting your thoughts out there

Step 2.) Identify 2-3 ‘quirks’ or unique thingees about yourself

Step 3.) Make sure to infuse all of your blog posts with that!

Resources for the above include:





Your takeaway?

Forget about imitating others because nobody can do YOU as best as YOU!

Give yourself permission to start internalizing that….



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