🌠The Unbeatable Glory of Business Integrations…Made Simple?

Ever wake up one day with a massive backache…

… on that cries out for:

* 7928 canes (7,927 backup ones, see)

* Unreadable gel that feels like warm cozy liquid lava

* 32 cups of coffee with chili peppers



Well if so, being gentle to yourself is a wondrous idea!

And if not…

What about instead….

Pouncing full force on the greatness of business integrations?

What’s business integrations, I hear you ask?

So glad that question has arisen!


has a great article about it, including:

“Integrations connect your software to third-party applications so they can share information with each other. They share data from one system to the next which provides you with more features and options while using your software.”

Lots of nifty examples are provided, but I myself personally love the integrations available at:



These allow you to construct:

IF This Then That (ifttt!)

For example, you could create a recipe that states:

If you update your blog, send that blog over to your tumblr automatically!


If your plant soil is too dry, send you a reminder to water your plants.

Good stuff!

You could even create a cool 1 page cheatsheet like so:

Step 1.) Determine where the majority of your content originates (blog posts? FB posts? Linkedin posts? Slack posts?)

Step 2.) Decide where to send that content

Step 3.) Construct the IFTTT or Zap to make it happen!

Resources to assist you include:





Your takeaway?

You don’t have to do everything by yourself…

Why not take advantage of these free tools already available to help you save time and build profit?


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