10 Things That Make Me Happy MeMe (courtesy of Suzie Cheel tagging)


This morning, I was honored be tagged by Suzie Cheel over at Abundance Highway with the following post:

10 Things That Make Me Happy

Here’s my list!

1.)  My husband.  Even when I’m more illogical than a coffee cup that is sprouting 3 holes in the bottom, he patiently waits for my sanity to return.

2.)  My kids.  Looking at them every day makes me wonder, how on earth did I ever create critters who can run up to me and shriek, Mom!  We learned how to break choke holds in Aikido!  Here, let me show you!

3.)  Coffee.  Nix "happy" – instead, use the word "euphoric."  🙂

4.)  Experiencing "character-building".   Okay, perhaps not "happy" (as it’s usually soul-rending and agonizing) but wow, what I learn about myself – it’s gold.  And I pass it on to my kids.

5.) Hearing that I’ve taught a reader.  Sharing knowledge is ‘way super cool!

6.)  Watching my 14 TwitterBudgies.   They never have to worry about the Internet being down.  🙂

7.)  Twitter!  I love touching base with my network.

8.)  Garage sales.  Can’t beat getting new thingees with frugalness!

9.)  Martial arts.  I might be incompetent, but wow….it’s fun.

10.)  Music!  Music from my college times let me time-travel back in an instant.

Now I tag (is that the right way?) the following 10 super bloggers to share their ten thingees that make them happy:


Barbara Ling

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