Today’s Earn Money Online Tip – Become THE Authority

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Today’s Earn Money Online Tip

Tell me now.

From WHOM do you prefer to buy?

Joe Vendor who just showed up online 2.3 minutes ago…..


An acknowledged authority in the niche?


For me, I’ll almost always go with the authority.  After all, it makes boatloads of sense – you want to learn/profit from someone who isn’t a fake online.


Thus, to increase the amount of money YOU make…you want to develop a reputation as THE authority in your niche.

How can you go about doing this?  So glad you asked!

There are many ways, but one of the BEST ways is to participate in the big-name communities in your niche…and simply ANSWER QUESTIONS.

Showcase your knowledge as someone who always has the answers!

It’s easy to do – Google allows you to uncover secrets or facts about virtually everything imaginable online!

A great way to find targeted niche forums is to simply search for them, ie:

And once you register and sign up at them, you can start to carefully cultivate your reputation as someone who can help others, no matter WHAT they ask.

Got questions about how to do the above?

I cover becoming an authority online in great depth in Income Fitness (along with other superb topics as well!).   Click on the book below to see!

Income Fitness

Remember, in this web 2.0 world, you’re only as well-known as the people who talk about you.  Take advantage of your knowledge and sing your own song – do NOT be afraid to stand out and be bold!

Your future income’s fitness will thank you for it.


Barbara Ling

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