Today’s Thought to Share – Self Defense

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Today’s thought to share deals with self-defense.

I’m on a superb mailing list from No Nonsense Self-Defense and learned about the following:

Monroe couple describe how they fought off armed man

A few hours before Donna Angevine smacked an intruder in the head more than 20 times with a baseball bat early Thursday, she was sparring with her tae kwan do instructor.

He had to egg her on.

"Hit me," the instructor told her. Be aggressive.

The self-defense and martial arts training paid off for the Monroe woman, 45, when she and her husband, Roger Angevine, woke up to find a man in their bedroom…..MORE….

Self defense and de-escalating a confrontation is always a good thing to know.  Should you want to learn about these useful skills, consider:

Hope you find the above useful!


Barbara LIng

ps – speaking about self-defense:



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