
☕ Your Tuesday Perkup: 404 Sleep, 5 Minute Moolas, PLR, Special in 6in6, more!

== ALERT ==

First and foremost:  Please ensure you have btl@barbaraling.acom whitelisted in your email reader!  The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.

Visit to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!  (and don’t forget – feel free to share this newsletter with your friends so they can enjoy the morning  MooseNCoffee too!).

== ALERT ==

Before we dive into today, let’s get a quick recap!

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! ===

Fiverr Affiliate Marketing: Chapter 4: 100% commission across the funnel?

Today in 1900:  Ronald McFeely obtained a patent for a shoemaking machine.


Plus My Own:

Passive Affiliate Marketing Made Simple


5 Minute Moola Machines?


Today’s Freebie in our FB group: (if you can’t see it, you need to join our group below)

A Marketer’s Intro to Advertising on Amazon

=== End Ongoing Goodies! ===

Where was I?

Ah yes, Tuesday!

But first:

Ever wish you could increase your bottom line via contests? 


shows how 3 businesses drove over 22K’ worth in sales! 

And there weren’t tough contests, mind you… 

They were: 

Win a free supply of organic protein bars! 

Win a 1 of 3 Natural Flu relief kit! 

Make sure you start the next measles outbreak! (okay I made that one up…) 

Contests can help by encouraging people to give you their best email address… 

… which means you can then market to them in the future! 

And if you need other nifty contest ideas, consider: 

Your takeaway? 

The next year is fast approaching… 

Why not run an online contest or 9567 to help your future bottom line? 


Nifty!  And….

It’s  Tuesday!

Actually, no, it’s still Monday around 9:45pm.

I have to stay up until 11pm to pick up my kid from the kid’s last day at the job.  Next week I drop off said kid for college but I’ll fall off that bridge once I encounter it.

Yesterday’s sleep (or shall I say, lack of it) was sheer insanity.  Was up from 11pm until 5am so yet again one more time… my scheduling is ‘way off.

Still though, each day above ground is more excellent day so I’ve got that going for me.

‘Twas a very quiet day, besides all that as well.  Got the latest Dennis and Barb thingee ready to go; still deciding when to turn that one live.

Your takeaway from this Perkup?

The future is always in motion.

So, even if family members figuratively crashed and burned in the past, the future can always improve.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you see $192 desserts?

Of course you do!


And our morning artwork/cartoon?

If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be Freelancing  (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit  and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


6 in 6?


Fiverr Affiliate Marketing?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you a most excellent 6 in 6 deal?

Well then!


Marketing secrets to help you make 2019 your best year yet?

See the huge benefits plus pennies on the dollar here!

See the nifty direct link there!



Whats that?  You desire 5 minute moola machines?

Well then!

5 Minute Moooola Machines!

See the admittedly brief headsup here!

See the direct link there! 



What’s that?  You want to see Fiverr Affiliate Marketing: Chapter 4: 100% commission across the funnel?

Well then!

Fiverr Affiliate Marketing: Chapter 4: 100% commission across the funnel?

See the 100% Commissions here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want insane value?

Well then!

Insane Value!

See sock knocking off here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

The 7 Figure Franchise!

See the insiders scoop here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Monday!

But first:

Ever wish bunches of profits would flow from your customer’s mobile phone usage of your app… 

… to you? 

Well, the holidays *are* coming you know… 

And if you have your own mobile app, you should make the most of them! 

has some rather cool ideas including: 

Prepare special offers for each holiday 

Add holiday decor to app elements and your microsite (and blog too!) 

Target wisely 

and more! 

Want other ideas? Consider the wisdom shared over at: 

Your takeaway? 

If you have apps out there that your customers enjoy using… 

Take advantage of the holidays and events that are coming your way. 

Your bottom line will thank you for it! 


Nifty!  And….

It’s  Monday!

Actually, no, it’s still Sunday at around…. 9:30pm?

I was hoping to be asleep by 7pm but it sure looks like that’s a great big gnope so….

Getting the newsletter ready NOW so I can sleep in seems to make sense to me.

Sunday was relatively quite good indeed!  Took the kid to his work shift and did more work on the Dennis and Barb thingee that hopefully we will release soon.

Plus I started thinking on all the depression posts I’ve been reading in FB, and wrote:

Over the past few days/weeks/years/months/centuries etc., I’ve seen lots of folks both in my niche (marketing) and everywhere else deal with the utter hell of depression.

And you know, telling these folks, other people are ‘way worse off than you, stop feeling sorry for yourself, start fixing yourself, etc. – well, that doesn’t magically fix the issue.

In my admittedly nonExpert opinion, the best way people can battle their way out of depression is when *they* internalize within *themselves* that they are *worthy* to get better…

… and open their minds and hearts to this 140% true fact of life.

Nobody can make anyone else better.

Nobody can live anyone else’s life for them.

(and for us marketing folk, nobody can make any customer implement anything they buy. Had to throw that in here as its kinda sorta but not really similar but really does have some things true and …. )

Sorry for rambling.


The plain fact is, the world is an *infinitely* brighter space because you are in it, depressed or not.

And the other plain fact is, only you can give yourself permission to internalize that data point as well.

Plus! PLEASE ignore and possibly backkick people in the teeth who declare, you are weak if you need meds to fix yourself.

They don’t live your life; you do… and its your decision 140%.

Your takeaway?

*Everything* regarding you… *starts* with you.

And much good wishes for your hero’s journey.


What do you think?

And the arrogance idea that I had mentioned – its from Dr. Strange when The Ancient One tells him:

“Fear and arrogance still keeps you from learning the most simple lesson of all…. it’s not about YOU.”

Had an excellent talk with Kid3 about that.

Your takeaway from this Perkup?

Find what works best for your health for YOU.

Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for healing yourself… *your way*.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you see the Avengers: Endgame – Trailer Easter Eggs & Things Missed?

Of course you do!


And our morning artwork/cartoon?

If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be Freelancing  (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit  and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


PLR Software?


3 Figure Days?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you superb PLR Software?

Well then!


PLR SOFTWARE: Insane value: 5 for 5 holiday which quite frankly blows me socks off

See why its such a grand deal here!

See the nifty direct link there!



Whats that?  You A full YEARS worth of sleek lead magnets for 2019 (done for you)?

Well then!

A full YEARS worth of sleek lead magnets for 2019 (done for you)?

See how you can gaze upon the goodness here!

See the direct link there! 



What’s that?  You want to see Chapter 2: How to make Fiverr the most profitable method for 2019? (plus my $497 bonus….

Well then!

Chapter 2: How to make Fiverr the most profitable method for 2019? (plus my $497 bonus….

See the insider scoop here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want Reddit for eC

Well then!

Reddit for eCom!

See why its intriguing here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Chapter 3: The art of 3-4-5 figures a day?

See where the advantage can lie here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Sunday!

But first:

Ever wish you could shake all the dollars out of Facebook that’s waiting for you? 

If so, 

might be worth a looksee: It covers: 

Facebook Organic Traffic 

Facebook Paid Traffic 

Custom Audiences 

and more! 

Want to uncover actual ways to profit with FB? Check out: 

Your takeaway? 

The future is always in motion… 

Why not use FB to kick fate in the right direction today? 


Nifty!  And….

It’s  Sunday!

Slept well, yay!

And wrote:

=-=-= Quick Product Creator/Affilate Marketer Cash for the Holidays =-=-=

Need some extra cash for the holidays? Here are some nifty ideas you can consider right now (and do stay tuned to see the magic that Dennis Becker and I are carefully creating)! Let’s start with:

1.) Have an End of Year Special Price Cut on your best-selling products.

If you’re an experienced marketer and know how to mail your list, you can encourage affiliates as well by offering 100% on the FE (and heck, thru the entire funnel as well). You can then add all the buyers to a future webinar and either pitch your own high-ticket offer, or contact someone who has a high ticket offer and ask if they’d be willing to give a webbie with pitch at the end to your audience.

If you’re a newbie marketer, offer 75% on the FE to get affiliates to promote (and if you’re not yet comfortable selling more of your own products, monetize the download page with your affiliate links for other offers).

2.) Have a End of the Year Special Bundle!

Take your top 3 products and offer a superb deal for 2019, time-sensitive. Ensure your countdown timer (if you use one) pops open a new page for the BUY button (I’ve learned that NOT ensuring this causes issues)

3.) Take advantage of Done For You Products.

Buy a Business in the Box thingee (for example, @aurelis tjin just released a “Happiness Starts with You” PLR goodie (it includes sales pages, download pages, the actual product, etc. – check it out at )), customize it as your own and put that as an upsell. An upsell to what? Why, a single 1 page cheat sheet that you can create that provides direct links to positive mindsets for 2019 and the like.

4.) Get paid to create content!

See if anyone is interested in a power bootcamp from you – you can dash up a sales page that lists the benefits buyers will receive, and include a direct-to-paypal link for people to reserve their spot in this “paid web-ticket event.”

If nobody buys, no harm done. But if folks do? You’ve just been paid to create content! (I teach all about how to do that in part at ).

5.) Are you an affiliate marketer? If so, take a look at your past promos and see which treated you the best…. repromote, or even better – ask the vendor to:

* Bump your commissions

* Offer a coupon for your list members

And that’s just the beginning… stay tuned for more ideas!


I’ve done these ideas before alot… they work great!

Your takeaway from this Perkup?

You dont always have to scurry to get things done.

Repurpose what you’ve already made.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

🙂 And want you see the Once upon a Deadpool Xmas movie trailer?

Of course you do!


And our morning artwork/cartoon?

If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be PLR  (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit  and whitelist – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


Adsense Made Easy?



and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you Adsense made Easy?

Well then!


Adsense made Easy!

See the simplicity of it here!

See the nifty direct link there!



Whats that?  You want to make Fiverr gigs?

Well then!

Make Fiverr Gigs!

See how you can use this awesome software for it here!

See the direct link there! 



What’s that?  You want a Big Thud?

Well then!

Grand for 2019 => THUD (plus 1.5K commissions, 1,500 trainings and more!

See what would make a super deal for you here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want a great PLR business in  a box?

Well then!

FRESH PLR: Happiness (business in a box, includes Master Resell Rights!)

See everything you’ll gain here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Storytelling to the Tune of Big Bucks!

See how this can benefit you  here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget our Favs:



==> The BEST Coaching (Newbies, Advanced and Experienced alike!)

==> Compare this to Paypal?

==> W+ Network!

==> The Commission Machine

==> Pure Newbie, No Traffic, No Experience No List? No Problem!

==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!

==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!) 


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR

==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!

==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free

==> ID PLR Free!


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!

Grow strong,


Barb Ling

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!


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