☕ Your Wednesday Perkup: Staying the round, Zero Cost Webbie, Local 497, copy/paste goodness, high tickets, more!

== ALERT ==

First and foremost:  Please ensure you have btl@barbaraling.com whitelisted in your email reader!  The newsletter will NOT arrive unless you do.

Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!  (and don’t forget – feel free to share this newsletter with your friends so they can enjoy the morning  MooseNCoffee too!).

== ALERT ==

Before we dive into today, let’s get a quick recap!

=== Start Ongoing Goodies! ===

LOCAL: charge 497/client per month, No cold calling required?


Today in 1814:  Eight people die in the London Beer Flood.
I never knew that

Plus My Own:

Passive Affiliate Marketing Made Simple


SOFTWARE: Point and Click 4 figure profit maker (and you’re shown what to use?


Today’s Freebie in our FB group: (if you can’t see it, you need to join our group below)

How to Make an Instagram Post Template for Your Business or Brand


=== End Ongoing Goodies! ===

HEADSUP:  Today at 2pm there will be a zero cost webbie from me about eMail marketing secrets – reserve your seat at:

And back to our regularly scheduled broadcasting:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Wednesday!

But first:

Ever want to build your email list like nobody else’s business? 

Lots of times, you can use landing pages to help that along, but what should you do to ensure you get the highest number of conversions? 

So glad you asked! 


talks about not 1, not 2 but 15 (!) ideas are shared, including: 

Have a single purpose 

Make the CTA obvious 

Remove all unnecessary action options 

and 12 more! 

Plus, if you’d like to test out different variations, consider: 




Your takeaway? 

One size never fits all… 

… but you’ll generally only realize the BEST landing page construct once you split test what delivers the most conversions. 


And today?

It’s Wednesday!

Well, gnope, its not.

It’s still Tuesday around 6:30pm.

Energy still non-existent but!  I did get to gym so woohoo!

Yep, the excitement is running rampant there as you can tell.

Wooooooooooooooooooooohoo.  ๐Ÿ™‚

And I did another nifty FB live:

My life is truly a Hollywood epic.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Your takeaway from this perkup?

Pick out an energizing music tract for yourself…

And maybe that can help you energize yourself when you’re feeling low.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

๐Ÿ™‚ And want you to see unboxing mystery products?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?


If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be MMO (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist  and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  askbling.com/btlclass1  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


Local $497/client/month?

Copy/Paste Goodness?

eMail Marketing Zero Cost Webbie?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you $497/client/month?

Well then!



See this extremely cool software here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want a zero cost eMail Marketing Webbie?

Well then!

0 Cost eMail Marketing Webbie!

See the admittedly brief update here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?  You want SOFTWARE: Point and Click 4 figure profit maker (and you’re shown what to use?

Well then!

SOFTWARE: Point and Click 4 figure profit maker (and you’re shown what to use!

See the hugely comprehensive training here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want Passive newbie-friendly SOFTWARE: Aliexpress, Walmart and even these…

Well then!

Passive newbie-friendly SOFTWARE: Aliexpress, Walmart and even these:

See how this can build the sites for you here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

Childs Play Profits!

See the FB secrets here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Tuesday!

But first:

Ever wish you could get some organic Google love from Featured Snippets? 

‘Course you do! 

Which is why: 


will be so interesting for you! 

Not only does it give you 5 ways to take advantage of Google Feature Snippets, but it also gives you examples that demonstrate them grand! 

And if you’d like other tips for ranking in Featured Snippets, check out: 




Your takeaway? 

Google sure does love these featured snippets thingees… 

So why not take advantage of said love and see how you can begin using them…. today? 


And today?

It’s Tuesday!

Well, gnope, its not.

It’s still Monday around 7:30pm.

Looks like one of our pilot lights in the house simply does NOT want to stay in.  ๐Ÿ™  Unfortunately, technician for that never showed up so way.

Probably another cold night.

And my energy levels could have been better, so I ended up doing my latest FB live on bedrest once more:

This one discusses something quite near and dear to my heart… NEVER being afraid to email one’s list.

Your takeaway from this perkup?

Nobody does YOU as good as … well… YOU!

So be the best YOU can be and start building your tribe today.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

๐Ÿ™‚ And want you to see why wisdom teeth are icky?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?



If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be PLR (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist  and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  askbling.com/btlclass1  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


Waiting on line

High Ticket Cash Machines?

Better than Fiverr?

eCom AliExpress

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you High Ticket Cash Machines?

Well then!


High Ticket Cash Machines

See how this can benefit you here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want eCom and Aliexpress?

Well then!

COUPON: eCom and AliExpress!

See how you can score big with Aliexpress here!

See the direct link and coupon barbcoffee there!



What’s that?  You want something better than Fiverr (doesn’t have to be IM)?

Well then!

Better than Fiverr?

See why they can mkae that claim here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want to always get into the iNbox?

Well then!

Inbox Magic!

See how you can charge big here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

427 Affiliate Marketing Goodies!

See all of the goodies here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget yesterdays:

Where was I?

Ah yes, Monday!

But first:

Ever wish you made ‘way more money with sales funnels? 

Well, one way to do this is don on the pirate hate of Captain Starbucks and start leakplugging wherever you go! 


Has a great article about this, that not only listens 

Hole #1: Little Data Tracking 

I recently had to run at night on a mountain trail. If I hadn’t had my headlamp, what would have happened? I’d have literally bit the dirt (and probably a granite rock the size of grandma). 

Lack of data tracking is like lack of headlamp on mountain trails at night. The light gives me visual data on the trail so I can change course when needed. 

Same with sales funnels. If you don’t have data on your middle conversions, you have no idea what’s working and what isn’t. All you have is the result. 

You can’t fix the holes in your sales funnel because you aren’t actually looking for holes. You’re a Sales Jumblie ignoring your friends who think you’re gonna drown! 

Hole #2: Follow Up? 

Sales funnels are never set it and forget it. Yet, 48% of sales reps must think this is true. They never follow up with a prospective or a lead. 

Sometimes it takes as many as 12 contacts to make a sale. That’s the full definition of try-try-again. If you think 12 follow-ups is a waste of your time, maybe you should go and do something else. 

Hole #3: Wasting Time With Lead Generation 

You can find a billion articles online about lead generation. It’s a hot topic. 
They think that if they stuff as many people as possible into their funnel more people will drop through. 

The problem is: at a certain point, the same number of people drop through no matter how many leads you generate. It’s like a conventional real-life funnel. The end is only so big. 

Stop lead generation research right now. You probably get enough leads already. You’re wasting your time and expending too much energy. Just relax, ok? 

Even better though, he provides you with ideas on how to fix them as well! 

And if you’d like some other priimers on fixing funnel leaks, consider: 





Your takeaway? 

The technology is out there to make things more profitable… 

Why not take advantage of that today? 


And today?

It’s Monday!

Well, gnope, its not.

It’s still Sunday at around 7pm.

Sunday was a day in which I *should* have gotten more stuff done….

…. but decided instead on just being good to myself.

Remember my recent launch, the Online Money Making Mindset?

I knew it wouldn’t do like my others.

You know why?

Because it’s NOT shiny.

It actually reveals the hard-won knowledge that yep – to truly profit online, you *have* to master some basics like:

  • Creating a blog
  • Building a list
  • Having the courage to mail that list
  • Networking with your colleagues
  • Giving yourself permission to take chances

And so on, and so on.

I even provided free resources to get folk started…

… but you know something?

SO many people just want the “easy way” without first teaching themselves *the foundation*.

It’s like saying you’re going to become a Master Builder….

And create your mansion from the ceiling down…

… and neglect to understand how the bricks must FIRST be laid in  the *right* way to provide the foundation for actually *building* strongest and sturdiest house you can imagine.

The price has already increased as I had mentioned before but still… it’s a steal right now.

See for yourself over at:

And!  I recently had communications with a former professor of mine from 30+ years ago, and was reminded yet again what the best possible gift is that you can give someone.

That’s me FB Live:

Whatcha think?

Your takeaway from this perkup?

Your success will come in *your* own time.

Nobody can give you permission for it first.

A very powerful lesson indeed.

And that’s all…


It’s the Internet Lifestyle!

๐Ÿ™‚ And want you a $180 sandwich?

Of course you do!


And our morning smile?


If you like this goodness, get all the extra benefits at his Patreon site (stuff not shared on his site)

and then visit the page below and like/share the comics… they always make my day a wee bit more bright!

AND!  At some time, I’m going to write about making money as a gamer (the site Twitch.tv is fascinating – you can stream people playing games and some of the best of ’em earn in the 5 figures!).

Because it’s both Star Wars AND coffee AND a cat, I like watching:

You can watch him and subscribe to his channel over at:

What’s new in your neck of the woods… would love to hear….

And onto today!

FIRST: Be alert to a GEMALERT from me –  could be MMO (note – if you’re not getting the additional GEMALERTs and you want to, opt into ’em at askbling.com/getgemalert ).


NOTE! I run a New Product Solution List that gives 3-4 new updates a day
…. please sign up at
to get these in real time. Thanks!


AND!! Please visit askbling.com/whitelist  and whitelist btl@barbaraling.com – this will ensure you always get these morning goodies. Thanks!


And! I started a private Internet Marketing Authority Course over at  askbling.com/btlclass1  … Click below to start the adventure!

Bonus Class!

And! I started a private SuperAffiliate Course over at askbling.com/superaff30 … Click below to start the adventure!

Super Affliate

And! I started a private IM Coaching Waiting List over at askblings.com/btlcoach  … Click below to get on the said waiting list!


And here we go!


Offline Instagram?

Flippa PLR?

Private goodness!

100% Affiliate Commissions?

and 2 more… can you guess?

And let’s begin!

Want you Flippa PLR?

Well then!


Glorious Flippa PLR!

See all of the PLR goodness you’ll grab here!

See the direct link there!



Whats that?  You want Instagram for Offline?

Well then!

Instagram for Offline!

See what this software gives you here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?  You want 100% affiliate commissions across board?

Well then!

100% Affiliate Commissions across the board!

See both the topic and the profits here!

See the direct link there!



What’s that?   You want pretty little clippy thingees?

Well then!

Pretty Little Clippy Thingees!

See the whole new ways of getting customers here!

See the direct link there!



And finally:

3 Easy Ways To Make Sure Your Mobile Isn’t Spying on You

See the coolio ways here!

See the direct link there!

Wheeeeee!  (btw, like this newsletter?  Why not share it with your friends today? And don’t forget:  Visit askblings.com/whitelist to learn how and then come back to read, thanks!)


Don’t forget our Favs:



==> The BEST Coaching (Newbies, Advanced and Experienced alike!)

==> W+ Network!

==> The Commission Machine

==> Pure Newbie, No Traffic, No Experience No List? No Problem!

==> Zero Cost List Building Class This Week!

==> $1 Trial Software that writes your copy for you!

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> Become Unstoppable (Zero cost!)


==> Tiff Lambert Lifetime PLR

==> JR Lang Quality PLR!

==> Nicole Deal Easy PLR

==> Sue Fleckenstein

==> Alice Seba PLR

==> Rachel Whole Foods PLR!

==> Resellers Rights Weekly Free

==> ID PLR Free!


Thank you for enjoying my newsletters – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates!

Grow strong,


Barb Ling

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 80 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. And are you part of our rockin’
| new popular free marketingNmoose group?
| Perking Up Profits!
| >> facebook.com/groups/perkingUpProfits


Got questions?
I respond to every email sent! Happy to hear from you…. and remember:

Fortune Favors The Bold

Go out and make *yourself* fortunate today!


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